
Devhub Issue: BC Government Vault Secrets Management page errors

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path: (do not delete) https://github.com/BCDevOps/openshift-wiki/blob/master/docs/Vault/VaultServiceDefinition.md
(do not delete) devhub page: /BC-Government-Vault-Secrets-Management

Devhub Content Issue


This page appears to say Vault is widely available. However, it is not clear on how to use it. When searching the bcgov org on github, I was only able to find a single project. rocketchat using the vault.hashicorp.com family of annotations. This project is using a service account named plate-vault. Olena said in rocketchat on March 30, that they were working on opening access to Vault to dev teams in April. In June, I asked for an update or estimated timelines and received with no response. At a minimum header or callout should be added to the Vault Secrets Management page if it is still restricted access.

The page does not give any direction or links to how dev teams would add secrets to their vault. This would be understandable if service is still not available.

Section How to Request

In the section, How to Request, a link to all-namespaces/secrets is given. Regular users cannot access this page. One gets an error: Restricted Access - You don't have access to this section due to cluster policy. Since this section indicates that since I have a project namespace, I have an associated Kubernetes service account for accessing Vault.

Section How do I get help? (help and self service)

In this section, we are told to visit the #vault channel on RocketChat.. The channel does not exist and should probably be channel #devops-vault. Also, this channel does not appear to be monitored as a request for updates/estimated timelines in early June, 2021 has gone unanswered.