
The Boston College Libraries' "bento box" search page

Primary LanguagePHP


This is the Boston College Libraries' "bento-box" search tool.


  • The Composer dependency management system
  • PHP 5.4+


  1. Clone this repo

     git clone https://github.com/BCLibraries/bcbento.git
  2. Install the server dependencies with composer.

     cd bcbento/server
     composer install
  3. Change the owner of server/app/storage and its subdirectories to the Apache user.

     chmod -R your-apache-user:your-apache-user app/storage

    where your-apache-user is the name of your Apache user.

  4. Modify your Web server so that /search-services points to server/public and /search points to client/app.

  5. Create a server/.env.php file based on server/sample.env.php