Pytorch implementation of Multi-View Dynamic Facial Action Unit Detection, Image and Vision Computing (2018)
- 6
main.py: error: unrecognized arguments
#26 opened by JRitmeester - 0
main.py run: error: argument {DeepFaceLive}: invalid choice: 'deepfacelive' (choose from 'DeepFaceLive')
#53 opened by phinix345 - 0
main.py run: error: argument {DeepFaceLive}: invalid choice: 'deepfacelive' (choose from 'DeepFaceLive')
#52 opened by phinix345 - 2
Pre-trained model please.
#2 opened by xiaoiker - 0
#39 opened by zhanghaobucunzai - 3
BroxDir missing
#33 opened by giorgioblandano - 1
issue with dropout for the inference
#37 opened by thiravet - 0
#35 opened by AksharSharma - 0
Demo wrong result
#32 opened by YunShen66666 - 1
GPU memory error
#29 opened by malkaddour - 1
Data formatting issues
#28 opened by malkaddour - 5
Error while running DEMO
#24 opened by PatrykKotlowski - 1
Regarding Optical Flow
#27 opened by jayanth1997 - 1
Bad Interpreter: No such file or directory
#25 opened by JRitmeester - 1
Weights link expired
#23 opened by slevinsps - 4
Input data format
#22 opened by PatrykKotlowski - 1
Weights demo error
#21 opened by woo1 - 2
#17 opened by swetha-sree - 0
Sharing Pre-Trained Model wo OF
#20 opened by yts-tc - 1
RealTime using computer-vision
#18 opened by swetha-sree - 1
Questions about the preprocessing
#14 opened by subhashnerella - 12
Issues while running demo
#12 opened by luksow - 1
Model Weights
#8 opened by Jasp012 - 2
weight model and info
#9 opened by segalinc - 2
Model weights
#10 opened by tyuki0913 - 2
Model weights
#11 opened by luksow - 1
Model weights
#6 opened by rekonder - 3
Processing images
#3 opened by julian59189 - 1
emotionnet trained model
#7 opened by huqiaoping