
Base project for DIFS L2 TP QuaD

Primary LanguagePython


Base project for DIFS L2 TP QuaD. Please, fork me!

Create dev env

Run the following command: pip install -r requirements.txt

Restart any IDE in order to work properly.

Run for development

Run the following command: FLASK_ENV=development flask run

The dev server will be listenning on the port 5000. So, open a web browser and go to the following url: http://localhost:5000/

Run unit tests

Just run the following command: pytest

If you want to have the report coverage, we must run the following command: pytest --cov-report html --cov=.. This will create a folder. In order to see the report, please open the htmlcov/index.html into your favorite browser.

Run selenium tests

Must have Chrome install with the latest version.

Must have a running server on localhost:5000

Run the following command: behave tests/features