The UCSC Genomics Institute's Computational Genomics Platform (CGP). This repo contains the Docker compose-based deployment process.
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Reimplement Backup Functionality for DCC-Ops
#154 opened by GPelayo - 3
Boardwalk deployed for HCA
#130 opened by kozbo - 2
Boardwalk - overview of work in 2018
#134 opened by kozbo - 1
GA4GH Dream - wrapup
#133 opened by kozbo - 1
Learn and support DCC ops
#142 opened by kozbo - 2
Boardwalk backend Design doc
#151 opened by caaespin - 0
Integration tests to bring up dcc-ops
#180 opened by natanlao - 0
Recruitment- add 3 new people
#135 opened by kozbo - 0
toil: hello work in CWL / WDL
#129 opened by kozbo - 2
- 1
Improve HCA Indexer
#141 opened by kozbo - 0
BROKEN ` ppa:webupd8team/java `
#178 opened by achave11-ucsc - 0
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- 1
Use Docker Images for Commons Deployment
#176 opened by coverbeck - 2
Create sprint stories from backlog for sprint 12
#116 opened by kozbo - 1
Implement queries for Blue Box
#140 opened by kozbo - 0
CC Support
#117 opened by caaespin - 1
Verify that all full time employees have 1-1 meetings
#136 opened by kozbo - 1
Add RNASeq autoscaling and register on Dockstore
#138 opened by kozbo - 1
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WES support for Consonance
#171 opened by mikebaumann - 1
Create endpoint to generate Boardwalk to Xena data
#172 opened by wshands - 1
Create a custom indexer for the metadata loaded into Spinnaker/Redwood and the HCA Data Store
#168 opened by mikebaumann - 1
Upload TopMed 12K Manifest to CC DCC-OPS instance
#161 opened by GPelayo - 1
Index the TOPMed 12k data from Spinnaker/Redwood and HCA DSS into ElasticSearch
#169 opened by mikebaumann - 1
Connect Boardwalk to ElasticSearch
#170 opened by mikebaumann - 1
Oauth2 Flow for Boardwalk/Google
#155 opened by coverbeck - 1
Facets for CC
#160 opened by caaespin - 0
Test TopMed WDL DNA preprocessing
#156 opened by wshands - 0
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Rewrite RNA-Seq decider to use decider base class
#157 opened by wshands - 0
Indexer diagram/doc
#150 opened by caaespin - 0
Support Michael K. with Handoff
#153 opened by caaespin - 0
Support Geryl and Walt with dcc-ops
#152 opened by caaespin - 0
Implement admin delete for the platform
#144 opened by kozbo - 1
Review and clean out old data in Redwood
#128 opened by kozbo - 2
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Modify the dcc-dashboard-service /keyword endpoint
#119 opened by caaespin - 0
Read Toil docs and run examples
#145 opened by wshands - 0
New release of dcc-ops sprint 12
#120 opened by caaespin - 0
Spinnaker and Redwood maintenance
#143 opened by kozbo - 1
RNASeq Autoscaling and registered on Dockstore
#137 opened by kozbo - 0
GA4GH DOS 1.0, shim of DOS
#132 opened by kozbo - 0
Dockstore - Precision FDA integration
#131 opened by kozbo - 0
put core config gen command in sys boot file
#127 opened by wshands - 2
Timestamp inconsistencies error bug, timestamp formatting error, and aws Unauthorized error
#123 opened by caaespin - 1
Incongruence in dates for invoicing page
#124 opened by achave11-ucsc - 5
Research Invoice dcc-ops error
#121 opened by achave11-ucsc