
a tkinter (python) GUI for my closed-source supreme bot

Primary LanguagePython

A GUI interface for a Supreme New York Bot

By Brian Dang

The purpose of the repository is to offer a simple and free/open-source Tkinter GUI. The underlying backend functionality is maintained privately. The GUI offers users a starting place for education and/or adaptation.


  • Python 3.6.3


python Bot.py


  • continue building out base functionality
    • editing products/cards
    • linking products/cards, with error handling
    • encrypted cards file
  • prepare backend points-of-entry in the GUI
  • incorporate backend functionality when season is live
  • robust error handling
  • make the UI look good hah
  • quality of life improvements: disabling/enabling certain actions
  • socket/upgrading/feature toggling

Tab Breakdown


Holds the necessary functions for starting/running the bot.

  • Initialize button that activates the chromedrivers (for selenium)
  • Run button that actually starts the bot to search for the new drop / products
  • Automatic Drop Detection toggle for detecting a new drop (new products).
    • enabled - the bot will not search for products until a new drop is detected
    • disabled - the bot will immediately search for products when Run button is clicked
  • Automatic Product Search toggle for automatically finding products with keywords
    • enabled - the bot will automatically search to find a product via keywords
    • disabled - the USER must MANUALLY select a product
  • Automatic Checkout toggle for pressing the checkout button automatically
    • enabled - the bot will "press" the checkout button.
    • disabled - the USER must MANUALLY press the checkout button.


Maintains the list of products being purchased.


Maintains the list of cards being charged to purchase certain products.


Holds the necessary functions for upgrading functionality (speed, number of products, number of cards).


Holds the possible settings/options that affect the general bot operation

  • Refresh Rate - how many seconds to wait before checking for a new drop
  • Checkout Delay- how many seconds to wait before pressing the checkout button.