
This is a repo of my work regarding my ENGLIT 0512 final project

Primary LanguagePython

Brian Dang's ENGLIT 0512 Final Project

This is a repo of my work regarding visualizations of MALLET topic models.


  • Currently, it is expected of the user to know how to use the MALLET command line tool.
    • See the Preparation section below for a quick demo.
  • Future work implementing my work should already have a means of automating the MALLET command line as it is trivial operation.
  • Although it is written in Python, you could use Java's Runtime.getRuntime().exec("python ...") to call the python programs.


  • Please see the Preparation section is you have not already. It requires the user to manually prepare the MALLET model.
  • In src/, enter python driver.py <path to mallet model> in your terminal.
    • This will launch a simple menu-driven program that lets the user create their own visualization


  1. Topic Distribution over the Course of a Given Text
    • Topic Distribution visualizes how topics appear in portions of the a text.
    • The number of the bins can be modified by changing the value of NUMBER_OF_BINS in TopicDistribution.py
      • i.e. changing to 50 would mean the text is broken into 50 bins
    • The filename that is passed to the TopicDistribution class is verified by driver.py. Usage of TopicDistribution assumes that the filename argument passed to it appears in the mallet model file.
    • Usefulness: The functionality enables analyzers to understand the how portions of a text change in relation to the topics. The information may lead to subsetting portions of a text that have strong occurrences of a topic in order to strengthen the topic model.
  2. Topic Similarity
    • Topic Similarity visualizes how unique words in a topic appear in a different topic.
    • Similarity is simply defined as the # of common words between two topics divided by the average size of the two topics.
    • Currently, the functionality only relies on unique words in a topic. One could theoretically modify the code to somehow account for the number of occurrences of a word in a topic and calculate topic similarity based on the top K words of a topic, or somehow use the number of occurences to weight the similarity, etc.
    • Usefulness: MALLET is pretty good at formulating distinct topics, however it is not a perfect system. Topic Similarity allows analyzers to visualize the distinctness of topics. This information may allow them to tweak their training parameters to produce more distinct topics.
  3. Topic Proximity for a Text
    • Topic Proximity visualizes how different topics occur within the same chunk of text from an average perspective.
    • The size of each chunk can be modified by changing NUMBER_OF_WORDS_PER_CHUNK in TopicProximity.py
      • i.e. changing to 200 would mean chunks are analyzed every 200 words.
    • The filename that is passed to the TopicProximity class is verified by by driver.py. Usage of TopicProximity assumes that the filename argument passed to it appears in the mallet model file.
    • Usefulness: The heatmap identifies which topics appear proximate to one another from an average perspective. Topics that appear often with another topic reveal a sort of synergy with each other. If an analyzer is interested in a specific topic, the TopicProximity functionality will allow the analyzer to find another topic that occurs frequently with their interested topic.


Stated previously, the MALLET model needs to be populated beforehand. Here is a sample preparation and relies on most of MALLET's default values:

Inside your copy of a MALLET directory:

bin/mallet import-dir --input <path to directory of .txt> --keep-sequence --remove-stopwords --output demo.mallet

bin/mallet train-topics --input demo.mallet --num-topics 25 --output-state demo_output.gz

gunzip -k demo_output.gz

After extracting with gunzip, you'll have a demo_output file. This is the file you want to pass to the program:

python driver.py <path to demo_output>

Understanding the Graphs

All the sample graphics were created using default MALLET options on the corpus found in books/. Modelling with 10 topics and 20 topics were examined.

  • Topic Distribution

    • Topic Distribution of Peter Pan with 10 Topics
      • Peter Pan is broken into 25 bins. The last 2 bins include a spike in Topic Number 5.
    • Topic Distribution of Peter Pan with 20 Topics
      • Peter Pan is broken into 25 bins. The last two bins see a dramatic drop in Topic Number 10.
  • Topic Similarity

    • Topic Similarity of books/ with 10 topics
      • Roughly 11% of the unique words in Topic Number 5 and Topic Number 4 are the same!
    • Topic Similarity of books/ with 20 topics
      • Roughly 8% of the unique words in Topic Number 7 and Topic Number 2 are the same!
  • Topic Proximity

    • Topic Proximity of Peter Pan with 10 Topics
      • For every 100 words (the top number of the scale), about 84 of the words originate from Topic Number 5 or Topic Number 1
    • Topic Proximity of Peter Pan with 20 Topics
      • For every 100 words (the top number of the scale), about 64 of the words originate from Topic Number 18 or Topic Number 10


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