
A hierarchical algorithm for building high-resolution 3D genome structures

High Resolution and Hierachical Chromosome Modelling

Bioinformatics, Data Mining, Machine Learning (BDM) Laboratory,

University of Missouri, Columbia MO 65211


             Tuan Trieu
             Department of Computer Science
             University of Missouri, Columbia
             Email: tuantrieu@mail.missouri.edu


             Jianlin Cheng, PhD
             Department of Computer Science
             University of Missouri, Columbia
             Email: chengji@missouri.edu

1. Content of folders:

  • src: source code in java
  • input: sample input data
  • output: all HierarchicalModeller experimental output data
  • executable: Download latest .jar executable from here : https://github.com/BDM-Lab/Hierarchical3DGenome/releases
  • miniMDS: output results and scripts generated for this method

2. Usage

To run the tool, type: java -jar HierarchicalModeller.jar chr_id resolution observed_contact_data normalized_contact_data domain_file output_folder

Example: java -jar HierarchicalModeller.jar 10 5000 input/chr10_5kb.RAWobserved input/chr10_5kb_gm12878_list.txt input/GSE63525_GM12878_primary+replicate_Arrowhead_domainlist_whole.txt output

  • Parameters:

  • Typically, the input is several GBs in size and therefore, the program requires a lot of RAM memory to run. We ran our experiment in a server with 120 GB RAM and 80 cores.

4. Disclaimer

The executable software and the source code of is distributed free of charge as it is to any non-commercial users. The authors hold no liabilities to the performance of the program.