
this repo for assets rest api express js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Compte rendu de l'événement Google Developers Group (DEVFEST 2022) El Jadida 17-12-2022 :


Create a prject MERN Stack :

  • backend : Nodejs, Expressjs, MongoDB , Mongoose, Bcryptjs, Jsonwebtoken, Cors

  • frontend : Reactjs, ReduxToolkit, Bootstrap, React-toastify



Table of Contents

Table of Contents
  1. certifications
  2. commandeline
  3. built


Create a maintainable and scalable Node.js REST API with Express and Mongoose.

The structure of the project is based on MVC and follows its basic principles but is a little different in that instead of having the logic of entities distributed in specific folders (models folder containing all models, controllers folder containing all controllers etc...).

Each entity has it's own folder containing all it's core logic . Let's take the User entity as an example:

└── entities
    └── controllers
        ├── userController.js
    └── models
        ├── userModel.js 
    └── routes
         └── userRouter.js

Thanks to this structure, it is easier to maintain and evolve multiple entities (you will rarely have to switch from one folder to another to manage an entity).

The project comes with many built-in features, such as:

  • Authentication with JWT: providing both an access token and a refresh token (sent as a secure http cookie only and stored in the database).
  • Unified login system to support multiple user roles.
  • Validation using nodemailer.
  • Error handling and custom error capture method.
  • Optional population, selection of fields to fill and fields to return by GET requests.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

  • Plus de détails ci-dessous...


Built With

This section should list all the major frameworks/libraries used to launch your project. Leave the add-ons/plugins for the acknowledgements section. Here are some examples.

  • [![express][express.js]][express-url]

Commande line

npm init



*By default, it uses npm to install dependencies.

  • If you prefer another package manager you can pass it as an argument yarn

Then open the project folder and install the required dependencies:

npm init
npm install express

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Setup your environment variables. In your root directory, you will find a .env:



npm  start

The database must be connected and your server must be running. You can start testing and querying the API.

npm run start

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Directory Structure

├──controllers/                 # Contains mostly global and reusable logic (such as auth and crud)
├── db/                         # Database, routes and server configurations
├── middlewares/                # Express middlewares
├── routes                      # Contains entity templates (default and user type)
├── models/                     # Custom/global type definitions
└── index.ts                    # App entry point (initializes database connection and express server)

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API Endpoints

List of available routes:

Auth routes (public):
POST /api/ - register
POST /api/login - login
GET /api/me - getMe\

User routes (private):
GET /api/users - get all users
GET /api/users/:id - get user by id
PATCH /api/users/:id - update user
DELETE /api/users/:id - delete user

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📜 Credits


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