Data Workflow Services (DWS) contains the schema for the Data Workflow Services API. HPC batch software integrates with the DWS API on HPE HPC systems and HPC storage systems to provide intelligent data movement and ephemeral storage resources to user workloads.
Before opening an issue or pull request, please read the Contributing guide.
To build locally you need docker and Make packages installed. For all commands, you must be at the top of the source tree.
To create a deployable image with the dws-operator installed and rebuild:
make docker-build
To push the docker image to a kind environment:
make kind-push
To deploy dws-operator to a kind environment
make deploy
To remove dws-operator from a kind environment
make undeploy
To rebuild the operator-sdk auto-generated source after updating api/controller definitions:
make generate
To rebuild the operator-sdk auto-generated yaml files after updating api/controller definitions:
make manifests