Mark-at! Server

For the Celo Hackathon Make it Mobile Hackathon - Celo

This repository contains the Django Server for the Mark-at! dApp.

🍀 Commit Rules

  • [gitmoji] : commit message
  • Use the imperative, present tense
  • Use lowercase letter only
  • Don't use. (Period) at the end
  • Separate subject from body with a blank line
  • Use the body to explain "What & Why" not "How"

🐾 Details

:sparkles: feat : (Introduce new features)
:bug: fix : (Fix a bug)
:recycle: refactor : (Refactoring)
:lipstick: style : (Update style; formatting, missing semi-colons, etc : Does not affect logic)
:memo: docs : (Add or update documentation)
:rocket: test : (Add, modify, and delete test codes : Does not affect logic)
:bulb: chore : (Additional changes; Modify build scripts, etc.)
:construction: bug : (Found a bug, Work in progress)
:building_construction: build : (Make architectural changes)