
tool to edit VE presets that can be loaded by VEManager

Primary LanguageLua


A Visual Environment Editor for Venice Unleashed.

It's used to create, save and load VE presets.

Youtube Tutorial Series


If you have questions contact IllustrisJack#5355 on Discord. Please report issues, requests into the Github Issues tab. Thank you!

! Dependency !

VEEditor relies on VEManager to work.

Config Options (Shared/Config.lua):

A number of features can be switched on/off from the config file located at Shared/Config.lua

EDITOR_TOGGLE_KEY = InputDeviceKeys.IDK_F8						VEEditor will show/hide on pressing F8 (any other Key can be defined here)
SHOW_EDITOR_ON_LEVEL_LOAD = (true/false)						Load VEEditor on level load if needed

For more options, have a look in Shared/Config.lua.