
Solutions to questions on BFE.dev

MIT LicenseMIT

Updates on Sep 2024.

This repo is archived. We expected high quality contents from contents and it didn't work out. We're trying new approach and this repo is archived. Thanks to all past contributors, your contents won't show up directly on BFE.dev but will continue to exist here.


Thanks for using BFE.dev and showing interest in contributing. This repo holds the solutions for questions on BFE.dev.

We are creating solutions and also accept contributions.

How it works

For each question, there are markdown files with name of /{problem-type}/{permalink}_{language}.md.

Latest version will be automatically reflected on BFE.dev website with some delay.

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How to contribute

  1. Simple, just PR to update the solutions you want. We'll review them as soon as we can.
  2. If there is no markdown file in the repo, just click the "solution" button from BFE.dev, it will be automatically created.
  3. We want the solutions to be high quality and also beginner friendly, please keep this in mind.
  4. The smaller PR you create, the sooner it could get merged.
  5. Put your name in the first line if you are the first contributor.

How we merge

  1. we will merge the PR based on the correctness and quality.
  2. we might comment on your PR to request for more changes if we think the PR is promising.
  3. we might close the PR without any detailed reason.

Solution examples:

solution to problem 67. create your own Promise

solution to quiz 1. Promise order

This is a live document for the contribution guideline. We might change it without any notice.