
Request for class-only subset of BFO2

Closed this issue · 4 comments

From on March 03, 2014 17:37:14

I sent the following message to bfo-owl-devel, but it has not gone through yet. I am copying it here, because I am not sure which is a better place for the request.

On behalf of several members the OBO Foundry Operations Committee, I am writing to request an official release of a subset of BFO2 that contains only the classes. Discussions within the Operations Committee and with members of the OBO Foundry community indicate that many ontologies in the OBO Foundry Library are using or would like to use the classes from BFO2 rather than use BFO1.

The Operations Committee is not yet ready to make a decision on the use of the full BFO2 with temporalized relations, but in the mean time, many of us are concerned about incompatability of ontologies due to mixed use of classes from BFO1 and BFO2. We feel that an official subset release of just the classes from BFO2 would provide a viable solution to developers' immediate needs while also allowing additional time for the community to evaluate the temporalized relations in BFO2.

Original issue:

From on March 03, 2014 22:49:01

Status: Accepted

From on March 04, 2014 13:49:58

Jie says:

I already created a subset of BFO which only contains BFO classes using OntoFox, please see: Ramona has submitted the request for a BFO subset that contains only BFO classes on the behalf of OBO Foundry operation committee. Do you think the file I created fit their needs?

From on March 04, 2014 13:53:16


From on November 24, 2014 06:25:27

A classes-only variant was created on 2014-05-07 and released on 2014-05-16 with this announcement: See commits 499 through 502, and the release notes in SVN:

Status: Verified