
Why has material basis only for dispositions

Opened this issue · 3 comments

From on June 19, 2012 14:17:00

This relation is important also for qualities - for example some qualities emerge from the parts things have - typically at a lower level of granularity.

I'm not sure about realizables, but there's an argument to be made that these two have material basis - e.g. memory, goal seeking circuits, etc.

Original issue:

From on June 19, 2012 11:25:10

This may be due to the fact that 'basis' is reserved in the philosophical literature on dispositions to refer to the quality (property) inhering in the material entitiy (substance) that gives that material entity the disposition.

See: I think it's two sides of the same coin, but I would label the quality as the 'qualitative basis' of the disposition:

scoliosis has_material_basis SOME (spine AND has_quality SOME 'bent shape')
scoliosis has_qualitative_basis SOME ('bent shape' AND inheres_in SOME spine)

From on July 02, 2012 10:30:10

Albert - this is another issue that I hadn't seen. I concur that we may need both relations. They are each independent, it would seem. In the simple case of OGMS we wanted to use this, essentially, to have a more narrowly target inheres relationship. The cloudy eye lens is the disorder which is material basis for some blindness causing disease. Before this relation we had only inheres_in.

knowing the qualitative basis means we know even more independent information, so I like it.

But what I was talking about was, e.g. was a quality like "spotty", applied to cell, which have a material basis a number of small granule parts (that have different properties from the surrounding material). Or 'spiky' dendrites, which have the quality because at a more granular level there are a number of 'spike' parts - anatomical entities.

From on July 02, 2012 10:36:34

Comment 1 by project member alanruttenberg, Today (3 minutes ago)
hit return too quickly.

So we might write:

spiky dendrite =def dendrite and bearer of (spiky and has material basis some spike)
(spiky and inheres_in some dendrite) has material basis (spike and part of some dendrite)