
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is (initially) generated by eliom-distillery as the basic project "wdmproject".

Generally, you can compile it and run ocsigenserver on it by $ make db-init $ make db-create $ make db-update $ make test.byte (or test.opt) Then connect to http://localhost:8080 to see the running app skeleton. Registration will work only if sendmail if configured on your system. But the default template will print the activation link on the standard output to make possible for you to create your first users (remove this!).

See below for other useful targets for make.

Generated files

The following files in this directory have been generated by eliom-distillery:

  • wdmproject*.eliom[i] Initial source file of the project. All Eliom files (*.eliom, *.eliomi) in this directory are automatically compiled and included in the application. To add a .ml/.mli file to your project, append it to the variable SERVER_FILES or CLIENT_FILES in Makefile.options.

  • static/ This folder contains the static data for your Website. The content will be copied into the static file directory of the server. Put your CSS or additional JavaScript files here.

  • Makefile.options Configure your project here.

  • wdmproject.conf.in This file is a template for the configuration file for ocsigenserver. You will rarely have to edit itself - it takes its variables from the Makefile.options. This way, the installation rules and the configuration files are synchronized with respect to the different folders.

  • Makefile This contains all rules necessary to build, test, and run your Eliom application. See below for the relevant targets.


Makefile targets

Here's some help on how to work with this basic distillery project:

  • Initialize, start, create, stop, delete a local db, or show status: $ make db-init $ make db-start $ make db-create $ make db-stop $ make db-delete $ make db-status

  • Test your application by compiling it and running ocsigenserver locally $ make test.byte (or test.opt)

  • Compile it only $ make all (or byte or opt)

  • Deploy your project on your system $ sudo make install (or install.byte or install.opt)

  • Run the server on the deployed project $ sudo make run.byte (or run.opt)

    If WWWUSER in the Makefile.options is you, you don't need the `sudo'. If Eliom isn't installed globally, however, you need to re-export some environment variables to make this work: $ sudo PATH=$PATH OCAMLPATH=$OCAMLPATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH make run.byte/run.opt

  • If you need a findlib package in your project, add it to the variables SERVER_PACKAGES and/or CLIENT_PACKAGES. The configuration file will be automatically updated.