
HANDLE_CHARSETS-like Github action

Primary LanguagePython

Handle charsets

This is a static alternative for WeiDU HANDLE_CHARSETS function. Static means that rather than converting tra files at install time on user machine, this action will generate and (optionally) commit them into mod repository. It has similar options, but there are differences.

Action usage

name: Handle charsets
      - "mymod/tra/**.tra"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Handle charsets
        uses: BGforgeNet/handle-charsets@master
          tra_path: mymod/tra
          out_path: mymod/tra_ee
          from_utf8: false
          split_console: true

By default, the files will be pushed into the repository.

Alternatively, you can disable commit and only run the action during packaging. However, note that Project Infinity requires repository source code to match package contents.


name default description
tra_path Source tra directory, same as in HANDLE_CHARSETS.
out_path Converted tra directory, same as in HANDLE_CHARSETS.
from_utf8 false Assume that source files are in UTF-8, make reverse conversion, same as in HANDLE_CHARSETS.
split_console false Generate OS-specific files for console messages, see below.
commit true Commit and push the changes.

Differences from HANDLE_CHARSETS

  1. Less options. In particular, there's no (no)convert/(no)reload arrays. Use WITH_TRA/LOAD_TRA/USING to scope your tra files to corresponding components.
  2. Any file named ee.tra or matching *_ee.tra mask is inferred to be in UTF-8, even if the rest of the files are in Windows-specific encoding.
  3. Files named setup.tra or install.tra are inferred to be in Windows-specific encoding, even if the rest of the files are in UTF-8.
  4. Files named setup.tra or install.tra in Russian or Ukrainian languages are inferred to be in cp866 encoding, not cp1251. That's the correct console encoding in Windows in those languages.
  5. In Linux and Mac OS, usual console encoding is UTF-8. split_console allows you to generate multiple OS-specific console message files with correct encoding. One setup.tra turns into 3 files: setup-win32.tra, setup-unix.tra, setup-osx.tra. Same goes for install.tra.

TP2 usage

Example TP2 usage, with values matching those of action usage example.

BACKUP ~mymod/backup~

    OUTER_SPRINT components ~%MOD_FOLDER%/components~

    /* If it's an EE game, use converted utf-8 translations from out_path. */
    ACTION_IF GAME_IS ~bgee bg2ee eet iwdee pstee~ BEGIN
        OUTER_SPRINT lang_dir ~%MOD_FOLDER%/tra_ee/%LANGUAGE%~
        /* Otherwise, use original ones from tra_path. */
        OUTER_SPRINT lang_dir ~%MOD_FOLDER%/tra/%LANGUAGE%~

    Only console messages are loaded by default.
    We use setup-%WEIDU_OS%.tra from out_path, because has correct console encoding.
LANGUAGE ~English~ ~english~ ~%MOD_FOLDER%/tra_ee/english/setup-%WEIDU_OS%.tra~
LANGUAGE ~Russian~ ~russian~ ~%MOD_FOLDER%/tra_ee/russian/setup-%WEIDU_OS%.tra~
LANGUAGE ~Spanish~ ~spanish~ ~%MOD_FOLDER%/tra_ee/spanish/setup-%WEIDU_OS%.tra~

BEGIN @1 /* My Component */
OUTER_SPRINT comp_name ~component1~
    This loads component translation from correct language directory.
    Once component is installed, WITH_TRA discards %comp_name%.tra translation scope.
WITH_TRA ~%lang_dir%/%comp_name%.tra~ BEGIN INCLUDE ~%components%/%comp_name%/main.tpa~ END