
Build Status

A BGmi service with transmission via


A docker service with linux container


Pull the mainline build from DockerHub or GitHub Container Registry(Recommend)

docker pull
docker tag codysk/bgmi-all-in-one:latest

# Or
docker pull codysk/bgmi-all-in-one

or build it from source

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd bgmi-docker-all-in-one
docker build ./ -t="codysk/bgmi-all-in-one"

Then launch on docker

docker run -p 80:80 -p 9091:9091 codysk/bgmi-all-in-one

Here is a few envirmonment variables to init the bgmi service

  • BGMI_SOURCE - set bgmi default data source (bangumi_moe, mikan_project or dmhy)
  • BGMI_ADMIN_TOKEN - set bgmi web interface auth token (default token will be bgmi_token when this variable is not set or empty)
  • NO_TRANSMISSION - dont start transmission(for advanced user)
  • OVERRIDE_USER - run bgmi with specified user id and start a cron task to maintain it (e.g.: OVERRIDE_USER=1000:1000)

All data volumn and configurable directory/file mount at /bgmi you can mount it at host filesystem if your want


docker run -v /home/codysk/bgmi:/bgmi -p 80:80 -p 9091:9091 -e BGMI_SOURCE=dmhy -e BGMI_ADMIN_TOKEN=admin -e TZ=Asia/Hongkong codysk/bgmi-all-in-one

Docker compose file example (Host network):

version: '2'
    # build: ./bgmi-docker-all-in-one
    container_name: "bgmi"
    restart: "always"
      - ./data:/bgmi
    network_mode: "host"
    # env_file: env.conf
      - BGMI_SOURCE=dmhy
      - BGMI_ADMIN_TOKEN=admin
      - TZ=Asia/Shanghai


command line interface

BGmi service is running at docker container so you must get in the container if you want use BGmi command.

get the container id:

docker ps

And get in the container:

docker exec -it <BGMI-CONTAINER-ID> /bin/bash

Now you have the shell in the container more command see BGmi official repo

web interface

BGmi webui is running at port 80/tcp, tranmission webui at 9091/tcp

other message

Transmission is running in the docker container which behind docker bridge network by default setting. Docker network will NATs the container's traffic. But docker bridge not support the auto-portforwarding protocol like NAT-PMP(uPNP). So transmission cannot forwarding the port(s) for peer to peer connection.


  • Use -p 51413:51413/tcp -p 51413:51413/udp expose transmission port on host, then statically forward these ports to the host from your router.
  • Use --net=host so docker will not running the container at docker network, the container will listen on the host's network interface directly.(Recommand, but only works on Linux hosts)
  • Teach docker how to handle uPNP (very hard)