BHARATHI1108's Stars
Project implements JWT (JSON Web Token) token-based authentication in a Spring Boot application. It provides user registration, login, password reset functionality, and role-based access control.
Kayo-The-Bot is an AI-powered food ordering chatbot that uses NLP techniques to interact with users, present menus, handle orders, and calculate prices. It's integrated with Telegram for a seamless chat experience.
We well know GANs for success in the realistic image generation. However, they can be applied in tabular data generation. We will review and examine some recent papers about tabular GANs in action.
Predicting students performance in exams using machine learning classifiers : Logistic regression, KNN and SVM. Extraction of factors impacting students' performances.
A machine learning-based approach called the Student Performance Prediction System makes predictions about student performance based on a variety of factors. In order to facilitate automated development, testing, and deployment, it makes use of a CI/CD pipeline and has not yet been set up on Microsoft Azure.
A simple Classroom Booking system is a Mini Project assigned to my group towards the partial fulfilment for the subject -Object-oriented programming (DS2102). The code is written in the Python programming language, the Tkinter library is used for the GUI to make it interactive and MySQL is used for the database.
This is a Classroom Booking Portal developed using Java and JavaFX, where Admin, Faculty and Student can manage classroom bookings.
Project made for Advanced Programming course (CSE201) in monsoon 2017 semester @ IIIT Delhi
A Web Application that manages all official acitivities of a university. Total this web application has 14 features: And They are: Save Department, View All Department, Save Course, Save Teacher, Course Assign to Teacher, View Course Statics, Register Student, Allocate Classrooms, View Class Schedule and Room Allocation Information, Enroll In a Course, Save Student Result, View Result, Unassign All Courses, Unallocate All class Rooms.
This is the project for my Database Management System, that I have created for my university.The goal of this project is to develop a software based on web-based system that will assist IUB in obtaining a comprehensive analysis of the revenue generated by the schools, achieve a comparative analysis of classroom requirement & classroom allocation for different schools and give a comparative analysis of unused resources for each school in IUB. All the comparative analysis will be provided in graphs & charts to help in understanding the differences
Resource allocation using optimization algorithms and python. Assigning the right resources with the right skills to specific projects or activities with certain requirements.