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We developed to mitigate unwanted echoes in a communication system.Echo cancellation is crucial in scenarios where echoes occur, such as in telecommunication systems, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) calls, and audio conferencing. optimize the LMS algorithm for echo cancellation in real-time voice communication systems.
We developed a comprehensive smart air monitoring system for environments. The system will consist of a network of sensors deployed across the city to continuously monitor air quality in real-time.t employs a network of sensors and enabling informed decisionmaking and proactive measures to improve air quality.
Today embedded it 1 credit course outcome
BHagavathi29's Repositories
We developed to mitigate unwanted echoes in a communication system.Echo cancellation is crucial in scenarios where echoes occur, such as in telecommunication systems, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) calls, and audio conferencing. optimize the LMS algorithm for echo cancellation in real-time voice communication systems.
We developed a comprehensive smart air monitoring system for environments. The system will consist of a network of sensors deployed across the city to continuously monitor air quality in real-time.t employs a network of sensors and enabling informed decisionmaking and proactive measures to improve air quality.
Today embedded it 1 credit course outcome