You Are…(client)

You are… is an app to help uplift the spirits of those using the app. There are quotes available to read. The member can add their own quotes that they have found helpful, and they can also add journal entries to help them navigate all that life has to offer.

The client side was built with class-based React and Typescript using npm install for the following items, followed by versions:

  • bootstrap (v 5.1.1)
  • react (v 17.0.2)
  • react-bootstrap (v 1.6.4)
  • react-dom (v 17.0.2)
  • reac-router-dom (v 5.3.0)
  • reactstrap (v 8.10.0)
  • react-scripts (v 4.0.3)
  • styled-components (v 5.3.1)
  • @material-ui/icons (v 4.11.2)
  • typescript (v 4.4.3)
  • see package.json for full list

You will need to also get the server side of You Are… set up – follow the readme for that.

Ultimately, this app is meant to be uplifting, reinforcing, and help people find the strength and determination to take the next step in their lives…to not give up.

This is just a start to what this app should become – future iterations may include:

  • members can share quotes with other members
  • ther api links being added to include the ability to search for meaningful quotes
  • members can store urls for pictures and can see the pictures displayed when they login
  • better styling and more reactive
  • search for quotes and journals by word rather than just seeing all of them displayed
  • search for journals by date range (created date)
  • members can mark quotes as favorite/loved
  • display quotes marked as favorite/loved so member can see all such marked