
Use your cartodb table with Google Maps v3

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This library is deprecated. We have created a new library called CartoDB.js that includes all the funcionality of this library plus many more things. This library isn't going to be updated anymore. If you have any questions don't hesitate to send us an email to support@cartodb.com.

What is the CartoDB library for GMaps v3?

This library allows you to use your own CartoDB tables with Google Maps v3.

Using the library

Using the library is really easy. It accepts the following parameters to manage the behavior of your CartoDB layers:

Parameter name Description Type Callback variables Required
map The Google Map object. Object Yes
username Your CartoDB user name. String Yes
table_name Your CartoDB table name. String Yes
query A SQL query. Default: SELECT * FROM {{table_name}} String Yes
opacity If you want to change the opacity of the CartoDB layer. Default: 1 Number No
layer_order If you want to set the order of the CartoDB layer. Default: "top" Number or String ("top" or "bottom") No
tile_style If you want to add other style to the layer String No
map_style Show the same style as you defined in the CartoDB map. No
interactivity If you want to add interactivity to the layer without making requests. String (columns separated by commas) No
featureOver A callback when hovers in a feature Function event: Mouse event object
latlng: The LatLng gmapsv3 object where was clicked
pos: Object with x and y position in the DOM map element
data: The CartoDB data of the clicked feature with the `interactivity` param.
No (But only will work with `interactivity` specified)
featureOut A callback when hovers out a feature Function No (But only will work with `interactivity` specified)
featureClick A callback when clicks in a feature Function event: Mouse event object
latlng: The LatLng gmapsv3 object where was clicked or touched
pos: Object with x and y position in the DOM map element
data: The CartoDB data of the clicked feature with the `interactivity` param.
No (But only will work with `interactivity` specified)
tile_style If you want to add other style to the layer. String No
auto_bound Bounds in the area with your query results. Booelan No
debug If you want to debug the library, set to true. Boolean No
tiler_domain Base domain of the tiler URL. Default: cartodb.com String No
tiler_port Port of the tiler URL. Default: 80 Number No
tiler_protocol Protocol for the tiler URL. Default: http String No
sql_domain Set your SQL API domain. Default: cartodb.com String No
sql_port Set your SQL API port. Default: 8080 Number No
sql_protocol Set your SQL API protocol. Default: http String No

Usage notes

If you want to get a feature clicked || hover data (via the interactivity parameter), the columns must be in a string separated by commas. If you don't want to write the name of the table several times, you can use {{table_name}} in the query or tile_style parameters. We strongly recommend the use of the files available in this repository. These are tested, and if you decide use updated ones, the library could not work.


There are several usages of this library in examples folder.

First of all add the necessary script and css files:

<link href="css/cartodb-gmapsv3.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />          
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/wax.g.min-6.2.0-touched.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/cartodb-gmapsv3-min.js"></script>
  • We strongly recommend to use the library files we have in this repository, they are fully tested.

When the document is loaded, start creating the map:

var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
  center: new google.maps.LatLng(20, 0),
  zoom: 3,
  mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
  mapTypeControl: false

And then add the CartoDB layer:

var cartodb_gmapsv3 = new CartoDBLayer({
  map: map,
  table_name: 'earthquakes',
  query: "SELECT * FROM {{table_name}}",
  layer_order: "top",
  tile_style: "#{{table_name}}{marker-fill:red}",
  interactivity: "cartodb_id, magnitude",
  featureClick: function(feature, latlng, pos, data) {alert(feature)},
  featureOut: function() {},
  featureOver: function(feature, latlng, pos, data) {},
  auto_bound: true


New funcionalities are coming, in the meantime you can use:

  • setMap: Attach the layer to the map or remove it. Example: cartodb_gmapsv3.setMap(null);
  • hide: Hide the cartodb layer from the map. Example: cartodb_gmapsv3.hide();
  • show: Show again the cartodb layer in the map. Example: cartodb_gmapsv3.show();
  • setInteraction: Set the interaction of your layer to true or false. Example: cartodb_gmapsv3.setInteraction(false);
  • setLayerOrder: Change the order of the CartoDB layer. Example: cartodb_gmapsv3.setOrder("top"); cartodb_gmapsv3.setOrder("bottom"); cartodb_gmapsv3.setOrder(2);
  • setQuery: Change the query parameter for the layer Example: cartodb_gmapsv3.setQuery("SELECT * FROM {{table_name}} WHERE cartodb_id > 10");
  • setStyle: Change the style of the layer tiles Example: cartodb_gmapsv3.setStyle("#{{table_name}}{marker-fill:blue}");
  • isVisible: Get the visibility of the layer. Example: cartodb_gmapsv3.isVisible();
  • isAdded: Returns if the layer belongs to the maps or not. Example: cartodb_gmapsv3.isAdded();
  • setInteractivity: Change the columns you want to get data (it needs to reload the tiles) Example: cartodb_gmapsv3.setInteractivity("cartodb_id, the_geom, magnitude");
  • setOptions: Change any parameter at the same time refreshing the tiles once Example: cartodb_gmapsv3.setOptions({query: "SELECT * FROM {{table_name}} WHERE cartodb_id<100", interactivity: "cartodb_id,the_geom,magnitude"});
  • setOpacity: Change the opacity of the layer Example: cartodb_gmapsv3.setOpacity(0.2);
  • setBounds: Set bounds in the map using a new query or the default one Example: cartodb_gmapsv3.setBounds("SELECT * FROM {{table_name}} WHERE cartodb_id < 100");