
An Android and IOS app, that lets you add daily habits and track them over time.

Primary LanguageDart

2 Day Rule

An Android and IOS app, that lets you add daily habits and track them over time. The goal is to never leave a habit undone for 2 days in a row which will help the user to over time make more habits stick.

Useful stuff

Items in app

  • Tracking overview
  • Habit adder
  • Habit checker (check of throughout the day and in the afternoon, all the habits done for the day)


  • Notify half day (second day) that a habit is not yet completed
  • Notifications on how long one has been able to keep the habit going (motivational)

Score counter

  • Greater score for more habits heald over time
  • cut in score when habit undone after 2 days

When fail to complete habit

  • Make the user add a reason
    • Makes user think over the fail, and help him/her better understand that it is ok to sometimes fail. When life gets in the way.