React native test task

The goal is to do a little bit of react native work and show that you can build an UI and work with a rest API. Please make sure to check the general notes at the end.


Pick any subreddit you like. For instance you could pick as it contains super cute puppy pictures. Setup a basic react native app that allows the user to interact with the subreddit as outlined in the user flow below:

User flow

Login view

  • User opens the app and is presented a login form
  • He can log in with an arbitrary username (for sake of simplicity) and the password "password"
  • If credentials are correct, he gets redirected to the second view. Else he gets some notification to check credentials for correctness.

Reddit overview

  • User sees a view where on top the name of the reddit and the username he used to log in are displayed.
  • Below there is a list of the puppy pictures.
  • The user can approve/disapprove the individual images by swiping either left or right like one can do in tinder.

Users approve/disapprove list

  • User can switch to this view (and back to the previous view by some kind of menu).
  • He will see a list with small preview images of the puppets and some nice indication of he approved or this approved the puppy.

General notes

  • No need to reinvent the wheel: If you know a library that does what you need, use it. Good coders write less code, not more.
  • If you use a react-native project template to start off please seperate this into an extra commit, so that we can see what you personally did.
  • You don't have to create an app that runs both on iOS and Android. You can pick either one (although being cross-plattform is of course nice).