Communication Mode Hierarchy

MIT LicenseMIT

通信方式层级结构 Communication Mode Hierarchy CMH

CMH 是用于描述各种通信方式之间关系的模型,类似于OSI模型,分为 介质层 信道层 调制层 接口层 信息层 封装层 界面层 共七层。



CMH is a model used to describe the relationship between various communication modes, similar to the OSI model. It is divided into seven layers: media layer , channel layer , modulation layer , interface layer , information layer , encapsulation layer and interface layer .

Each layer of elements can be contained downwards, while high-level elements utilize low-level elements. Different elements may contain different lower level elements.

The inter layer/inter layer relationships are not absolutely strict and can be flexibly adjusted as needed.


zh_Hans 中文简体 https://github.com/minexixi/CMH/tree/main/localization/zh_Hans


本地化文件夹应在 ./localization 目录下,文件夹命名规范采用 RFC 4646 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4646.txt

本地化文件夹根目录包含 README.md 文件,内容包含以对应语言表述的 ./localization/zh_Hans/README.md 文件内容。

本地化文件夹根目录包含用于容纳各层级元素示例的七个文件夹,文件夹名如 1_介质层

各层级文件夹下包含对应层级元素的文本文件,文件名如 RTTY.md ,使用对应语言介绍对应元素的协议标准、相关链接和相关信息等。

各本地化文件夹可参考 ./localization/zh_Hans/ 文件夹。

Localization specifications

Localized folder should be located in / Under the localizationdirectory, the folder naming convention adoptsRFC 4646` http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4646.txt

The root directory of the localized folder contains the README.md file, which contains the content expressed in the corresponding language ./localization/zh_Hans/README.md file content.

The root directory of the localized folder contains seven folders for holding examples of elements at each level, with folder names such as 1_MediumLayer .

Text files containing corresponding level elements in each level folder, with a file name such as RTTY.md , using the corresponding language to introduce the protocol standards, related links, and information of the corresponding elements.

Each localized folder can refer to ./localization/zh_Hans/ folder.