NTR: Pacific Bioscience long-read sequencing

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Preferred term label

Pacific Bioscience long-read sequencing assay


Pac-Bio long-read sequencing assay

Textual definition

A DNA sequencing assay wherein a single DNA polymerase enzyme is affixed at the bottom of a zero-mode waveguide (ZMW) with a single molecule of DNA as a template. The Pacific Biotechnologies version is a single-molecule real-time (SMRT) sequencing assay. The ZMW is a structure that creates an illuminated observation volume that is small enough to observe only a single nucleotide of DNA being incorporated by DNA polymerase. Each of the four DNA bases is attached to one of four different fluorescent dyes. When a nucleotide is incorporated by the DNA polymerase, the fluorescent tag is cleaved off and diffuses out of the observation area of the ZMW where its fluorescence is no longer observable. A detector detects the fluorescent signal of the nucleotide incorporation, and the base call is made according to the corresponding fluorescence of the dye.

Suggested parent term

DNA sequencing assay



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