- 0
How to use local code complied in jni/src?
#84 opened by fishmingyu - 0
- 0
Support for CUDA 10.1
#80 opened by wiwa - 1
- 0
- 0
Fourier Transform Implementation?
#76 opened by winstrom - 2
- 0
Word2Vec implementation example
#75 opened by MiguelAngelRG - 5
How to make BIDMat as the GPU Backend for Spark?
#22 opened by databig - 0
Repmat for BIDMat?
#74 opened by ago109 - 6
How to run the test scripts?
#67 opened by javadba - 2
Support for GPU sparse matrix-matrix multiply
#69 opened by bpasley - 1
Question about matrix power algo
#70 opened by amedeedaboville - 4
broadcasting operations in BIDMat?
#72 opened by xinleipan - 12
BIDMat as sbt libraryDependencies
#29 opened by dreamflasher - 1
Loading matrix directly to GPU
#42 opened by kretes - 3
Sum with Offset
#45 opened by kjameslubin - 1
specify number of GPUs to use?
#57 opened by mjparrott - 1
BIDMat binaries for cuda 7.5 on Ubuntu ?
#60 opened by rcherukuri12 - 2
*^ index out of bounds exception
#65 opened by fmg-kevin-kilroy - 3
- 6
- 2
*^ index out of bounds
#56 opened by jamesjia94 - 0
BIDMat: Hidden Incompatibility Flaw
#64 opened by ago109 - 7
Tall Matrix multiplication with a column matrix with CPU(FMat) vs GPU(GMat) : GPU not caching matrix
#53 opened by shethsh - 2
GMat memory allocation error
#52 opened by fhorse - 0
Mat.getOS will never return OS_ANDROID
#51 opened by phlip9 - 1
advice on testing software using BIDMat
#43 opened by kretes - 3
- 2
- 1
Installation Instructions [minor]
#47 opened by kjameslubin - 1
CUDA 7.5 Support
#44 opened by capdevc - 2
Possible bug in tileMult
#41 opened by kjameslubin - 2
newOrCheck methods could probably be generic
#40 opened by kjameslubin - 1
hashing in BIDMat
#39 opened by huitseeker - 2
- 2
GSMat contains no transpose method
#27 opened by DanielTakeshi - 1
setseed and randperm
#25 opened by anasrferreira - 5
install trouble ubuntu
#38 opened by knavely - 3
Added out.clear for BIDMat DenseMat accum
#34 opened by DanielTakeshi - 9
Support for CUDA 7.0
#31 opened by danielchalef - 1
cummaxByKey for GPU matrices?
#35 opened by DanielTakeshi - 1
- 3
Block assignment, one-dimensional indices to GPU matrices seems to have trouble
#33 opened by DanielTakeshi - 3
Memory issues with Java Runtime object ("memory gets allocated randomly")
#32 opened by DanielTakeshi - 1
Unable to find source for libbidmatcuda
#30 opened by danielchalef - 2
Loading and saving matrices does not seem to be working due to NoClassDefFoundError: net/jpountz/lz4/LZ4BlockInputStream
#26 opened by DanielTakeshi - 3
Plan for supporting CUDA 7.0?
#24 opened by DanielTakeshi - 3
Google groups for BidMat and BidMach
#23 opened - 1
Error in wiki
#21 opened by coryschillaci