Understand Raycasting: Raycasting is a technique used to render a 3D scene in a 2D environment. It involves casting rays from the player's viewpoint and calculating intersections with walls to determine what is visible on the screen. Familiarize yourself with the concepts and principles of raycasting by studying tutorials and examples.

Set up the Development Environment: Install the necessary tools and libraries for game development. For this project, you may need to set up an environment that supports the SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) library, which provides functionality for graphics, input, and audio. Refer to the SDL documentation and tutorials for installation instructions.

Design the Maze: Decide on the structure and layout of your maze. You can use a grid-based system or define the walls' positions in a data structure such as an array or file. Experiment with different maze designs to make the game more challenging and interesting.

Implement Raycasting Algorithm: Start by implementing the basic raycasting algorithm. Cast rays from the player's viewpoint and calculate intersections with walls. Determine the distance to the walls and use it to create the illusion of depth and perspective. Apply different textures or colors to the walls based on the distance or orientation.

Handle Player Input: Implement controls for the player to move around the maze. Capture keyboard or mouse input to control the player's movement, rotation, and interaction with the environment. Update the player's position and re-render the scene accordingly.

Collision Detection: Implement collision detection to prevent the player from moving through walls or objects. Ensure that the player cannot pass through walls or collide with obstacles within the maze. Handle collisions by adjusting the player's position or applying appropriate physics effects.

Add Features and Enhancements: Gradually add more features and enhancements to your game, such as texturing the floor and ceiling, adding enemies or collectibles, implementing lighting effects, or adding sound effects. Experiment with different ideas and explore creative possibilities.

Test and Refine: Test your game thoroughly to identify and fix any bugs or issues. Playtest the game to ensure it provides an enjoyable and challenging experience. Seek feedback from others and iterate on your design and implementation to refine the gameplay.

Remember to refer to the provided tutorials and resources for more detailed guidance on implementing raycasting and creating a 3D maze game. Have fun exploring and experimenting with different techniques and features to make your maze game unique and engaging!