This repository defines the FHIR profiles for HiGHmed UCC project, referencing respective data model from
Open To-Do’s:
- The referencing has not yet been implemented due to sushi errors on packages (can not be loaded properly, throws missing snapshot error). Which profile can be referenced from which existing project can be found in the mapping table of the respective templates data field.
Profiles need to be referenced:
Main profiles (MII or SVA)
Patient Service Request Practitioner Organization KDS_Laborbericht KDS_Medikationseintrag UCC_App_Pro UCC_App_Sensor
Within Templates
Anamnese; Administratives Geschlecht, Grosse, Gewicht, Diabetes Mellitus, Rauchverhalten & Alkoholkonsum, Blutdruck und Herzfrequenz
Echokardiographie; Rhythmus und Frequenz
Elektrokardiogramm; Herzfrequenz, AV-Block, Hemiblock
Herzkatheter; Drucken, Sauerstoffsättigung, Systemischer Gefäßwiderstand (SVR)
Followup questionnaire will be coded in KCCQ12 LOINC and the response will be linked according to linkIds
There are value sets needs to be submitted or post-coordinated, which can be found in the mapping table of the respective templates. (Echokardiographie and Magnetresonanztomografie)
The search parameters have not yet been implemented.
Server capability statements have not yet been implemented.