
A simple blog api

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple blog api with jwt authentication

Tech stack

  • NodeJs
  • MongoDb

Getting started

  • Clone the repo
  • Install nodejs
  • Install mongodb
  • Create a new .env file and refer to .env.example for details on how to set up your database
npm install or yarn install

open your browser at http://localhost:5000 

Run in Postman

User Endpoints

Request Endpoint Function
POST /users/signup Register a new user
POST /users/login Login a registered user
POST /users/logout Logout current user
POST /users/logoutall Logout all registered users and revoke tokens(admin)
GET /users/me View current user details
GET /users/all View all registered user details(admin)
DELETE /users/delete/me Delete a user(admin)

Blogposts Endpoints

Request Endpoint Function
POST /post Create a blogpost
GET /posts View all blogposts
PATCH /posts/:id Edit a blogpost
DELETE /posts Delete a blogpost

Commenting Endpoints

Request Endpoint Function
POST /posts/:id/comment Comment on a blogpost
GET /posts/:id/comment Get all comments on a blogpost
PATCH / being made Edit a comment
DELETE / being made Delete a comment