Sparkify is a music streaming startup. As a startup, Sparkify would handle huge data as they grow up to. If Sparkify still using conventional method like store the data in JSON format, it would be a problem one day. In spite of to handle big data, Sparkify should analyze their data to make decision to speed up their business. With two goals, Sparkify should store their data into tabular format using PostgreSQL. In this project, there are two programs could be used to create tables and run an ETL process automatically.
There are three tables i.e. song table, user table, artist table, time table, and songplay table
Table that store song information
Columns schema:
- song_id varchar
- title varchar
- artist_id varchar
- year int
- duration float
Table that store user information
Columns schema:
- user_id int
- first_name varchar
- last_name varchar
- gender varchar
- level varchar
Table that store artist of particular song information
Columns schema
- artist_id varchar
- name varchar
- location text
- latitude float
- longitude float
Table that store timestamp of the streamed song from user
Columns schema:
- start_time bigint
- hour int
- day int
- week int
- month int
- year int
- weekday int
Table result of join another table. This table is for analytical purposes
Columns schema:
- songplay_id int
- start_time bigint
- user_id int
- level varchar
- song_id varchar
- artist_id varchar
- session_id int
- location text
- user_agent text
The pipelines of this project are:
- Transform song, artist, and user data from JSON format into tabular format
- Load song, artist, and user table to Postgre database
- Transform log data into time table and load to Postgre database
- Transform log data into songplay table and joining with song, artist, and user table
- Load songplay table to Postgre