Code release for "Adapting Across Domains via Target-oriented Transferable Semantic Augmentation under Prototype Constraint"

Primary LanguagePython

Target-oriented Transferable Semantic Augmentation

This is the official implementation for TPAMI manuscript "Adapting Across Domains via Target-oriented Transferable Semantic Augmentation under Prototype Constraint".


We present a Target-oriented Tiransferable Semantic Augmentation () method, which enhances the generalization ability of the classifier by training it with a target-like augmented domain, constructed by semantically augmenting source data towards target at the feature level. Moreover, we achieve the augmentation implicitly by minimizing the upper bound of the expected Angular-softmax loss over the augmented domain, which is of high efficiency. Additionally, to further ensure that the augmented domain can imitate target domain nicely and discriminatively, the prototype constraint is enforced on augmented features class-wisely, which minimizes the expected distance between augmented features and corresponding target prototype (i.e., average representation) in Euclidean space.


CUDA 11.2
Python 3.7
torch 1.7.0+cu110
torchvision 0.8.1+cu110
pillow 7.2.0



Office-31 dataset can be found here.


Office-Home dataset can be found here.

VisDA 2017

VisDA 2017 dataset can be found here.


DomainNet dataset can be found here.


PACS dataset can be found here.

Running the code

In the following, we provide the training scripts for different settings.

For unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA),

sh TTSA.sh

For multi-source domain adaptation (MSDA),

sh TTSA_for_MSDA.sh

For domain generalization (DG),

sh TTSA_for_DG.sh


Several pre-trained models of TTSA can be downloaded here and put in <root_dir>/Checkpoint

evaluate on Office-31 for UDA tasks

python3 evaluate_TTSA.py --gpu_id 2 --arch resnet50 --dset office --t_test_path ./data/DA_list/office/webcam_31.txt --weight_path ./Checkpoint/amazon-webcam.pth.zip


Some codes are adapted from ISDA, FACT and Transfer-Learning-Library. We thank them for their excellent projects.

    title = {Implicit Semantic Data Augmentation for Deep Networks},
    author = {Wang, Yulin and Pan, Xuran and Song, Shiji and Zhang, Hong and Huang, Gao and Wu, Cheng},
    booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},
    pages = {12635--12644},
    year = {2019},

    author = {Xu, Qinwei and Zhang, Ruipeng and Zhang, Ya and Wang, Yanfeng and Tian, Qi},
    title = {A Fourier-Based Framework for Domain Generalization},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month = {June},
    year = {2021},
    pages = {14383-14392}

    author = {Junguang Jiang, Baixu Chen, Bo Fu, Mingsheng Long},
    title = {Transfer-Learning-library},
    year = {2020},
    publisher = {GitHub},
    journal = {GitHub repository},
    howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/thuml/Transfer-Learning-Library}},


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or describe your problem in Issues.