迁移学习paper list与学习上手指南



0. 热点方向

3D point cloud

paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称

Continuous Learning

paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称

Few-shot/ semi-supervised/ long-tailed classification/segmentaiton/detection

paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称

Vision-Language/ prompt learning/ Multimodal

paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称
Learning transferable visual models from natural language supervision ICML 2021 Best 需要 CLIP
StyleCLIP: Text-Driven Manipulation of StyleGAN Imagery ICCV 2021 Best StyleCLIP
Learning to Prompt for Vision-Language Models IJCV 2022 Oral CoOp
Open-Vocabulary Object Detection via Vision and Language Knowledge Distillation ICLR 2022 Oral VILD
DenseCLIP: Language-Guided Dense Prediction with Context-Aware Prompting CVPR 2022 Oral DenseCLIP

Diffusion model

paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称

OOD detection/generalization

paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称

大模型/ pre-training/ self-supervised/ representation learning

paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称


paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称

edge computing transfer/ federate learning

paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称

transfer reinforcement learning

paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称



paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称
迁移学习简明手册 这是中文版pdf Best
A Survey on Transfer Learning IEEE TKDE Best
Deep Visual Domain Adaptation A Survey Oral
Transfer Adaptation Learning:A Decade Survey Oral



paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称
Prediction Reweighting for Domain Adaptation IEEE TNNLS Best PRDA
Correcting Sample Selection Bias by Unlabeled Data NIPS Oral KMM
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Distribution Matching Machines AAAI 2018 Oral



paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称
Domain Adaptation via Transfer Component Analysis IEEE TNNLS Best TCA
Transfer Feature Learning with Joint Distribution Adaptation CVPR Best 需要 JDA
Domain Invariant and Class Discriminative Feature Learning for Visual Domain Adapation IEEE TIP Best 需要 DICD
Transfer Joint Matching for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation CVPR Oral TJM
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation With Label and Structural Consistency IEEE TIP Oral
Joint Geometrical and Statistical Alignment for Visual Domain Adaptation CVPR 2018 Oral JGSA
Adaptation Regularization: A General Framework for Transfer Learning IEEE TKDE Oral


基础中的基础!推荐先看Stanford CS231n课程,百度搜索即可,可以快速了解深度学习

paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称

| |ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks |NIPS|Best|需要|AlexNet| |Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition ||Best|需要|VGG| |Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition |CVPR 2016 Best paper|Best|需要|ResNet| |Densely Connected Convolutional Networks |CVPR 2017 Best paper|Best|需要|DenseNet| |Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks |CVPR|Best||SENet| |Batch Normalization Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift |ICML|Best ||BN| |Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth |ECCV 2016 spotlight|Oral||| |Going deeper with convolutions |NIPS|Oral||InceptionV1/GoogLeNet| |Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision |CVPR|Oral||InceptionV2/V3| |Inception-v4, Inception-ResNet and the Impact of Residual Connections on Learning |CVPR|Oral||InceptionV4/Inception-ResNet| |Aggregated Residual Transformations for Deep Neural Networks |CVPR|Oral||ResNext|


paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称
Generative Adversarial Nets NIPS Best 需要 GAN
Wasserstein GAN Best WGAN
Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets Oral CGAN
Least Squares Generative Adversarial Networks ICCV Oral LSGAN


Deep Domain Adaptation,针对分类问题,研究重点!!

paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称
How transferable are features in deep neural networks NIPS 2014 Best
Learning Transferable Features with Deep Adaptation Networks ICML 2015 Best 需要 DAN
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Backpropagation ICML 2015 Best 需要 DANN/RevGrad
Maximum Classifier Discrepancy for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation CVPR 2018 Best 需要 MCD
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Residual Transfer Networks NIPS 2015 Oral RTN
CyCADA: Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Domain Adaptation ICML Oral CyCADA
Multi-Adversarial Domain Adaptation AAAI 2018 Oral MADA
Sliced Wasserstein Discrepancy for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation CVPR 2019 Oral SWD
Moment Matching for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation ICML 2019 Oral
Bridging Theory and Algorithm for Domain Adaptation ICML 2019 Oral MDD
Conditional Adversarial Domain Adaptation NIPS 2019 Best CDAN
Contrastive Adaptation Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation CVPR 2018 Oral CAN

7.Partial Domain Adaptation (PDA)

paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称
Partial Transfer Learning with Selective Adversarial Networks CVPR 2018 Best 需要 SAN
Importance Weighted Adversarial Nets for Partial Domain Adaptation CVPR 2018 Best 需要 IWAN
Partial Adversarial Domain Adaptation ECCV 2018 Oral PADA
Learning to Transfer Examples for Partial Domain Adaptation CVPR 2019 Oral ETN
Universal Domain Adaptation CVPR 2019 Oral

8.迁移学习在Semantic Segmentation中的应用

paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称
Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation CVPR 2015 Best FCN
SegFormer: Simple and Efficient Design for Semantic Segmentation with Transformers NeurIPS 2021 必读 1 需要 SegFormer
Learning to Adapt Structured Output Space for Semantic Segmentation CVPR 2018 必读 1 需要 AdaptSegNet
DAFormer: Improving Network Architectures and Training Strategies for Domain-Adaptive Semantic Segmentation CVPR 2022 必读 1 需要 DAFormer
CyCADA - Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Domain Adaptation ICML Best CyCADA
Taking A Closer Look at Domain Shift: Category-level Adversaries for Semantics Consistent Domain Adaptation CVPR 2019 Oral CLAN
ADVENT: Adversarial Entropy Minimization for Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation CVPR 2019 Oral ADVENT
FDA: Fourier Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation CVPR 2020 Oral FDA
Confidence Regularized Self-Training ICCV 2019 Oral CRST
Prototypical Pseudo Label Denoising and Target Structure Learning for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation CVPR 2021 Oral ProDA

9.迁移学习在Object Detection中的应用

paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称
Domain Adaptive Faster R-CNN for Object Detection in the Wild CVPR 2018 Oral
Multi-adversarial Faster-RCNN for Unrestricted Object Detection ICCV 2019 Oral

10. 迁移学习在Video Classification中的应用

paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称
Temporal Attentive Alignment for Large-Scale Video Domain Adaptation ICCV 2019 Best

11.迁移学习在Person Re-identification中的应用

paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称
Image-Image Domain Adaptation with Preserved Self-Similarity and Domain-Dissimilarity for Person Re-identification CVPR 2018 Best
Self-similarity Grouping: A Simple Unsupervised Cross Domain Adaptation Approach for Person Re-identification ICCV 2019 Best


paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称
Analysis of Representations for Domain Adaptation NIPS Best
A Theory of Learning from Different Domains Best
A Kernel Method for the Two Sample Problem NIPS Best MMD的全面分析


paper 来源 Novelty 代码复现 简称
Distance Metric Learning for Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classification NIPS Best LMNN
FaceNet - A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering Best Triplet Loss


