
Creating a simple recommendation system on the Basis of similarity

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Job Recommendation System

A hybrid recommendation system which uses user to user and item to item based collaborative filtering technique to recommend job to the users according to their profile and previous user base. This project based on Django web framework and is a webapp.

Recommendation model used:

  1. Collaborative Filtering
  2. Content Filtering
  3. Hybrid model

###Similiarity used:

  1. Cosine Similarity
  2. Mahattan Distance

How to install:

  1. Clone this github project
  2. Create a virtualenvironment in python
  3. pip install all the requirements [pip install -r requirements.txt]

How to run:

  1. Run python manage.py
  2. Go to localhost
  3. Enter your profile information to get recommended jobs

How to add job details:

  1. Go to src/data to add userdata and jobdata