
A quick strategic shooter with a clean neon look

Primary LanguagePython

|                                ENTWINED                                |
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|                               BY BLUEISH                               |
|                 \ READ THE ENTIRE README BEFORE PLAYING! /             |
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| A quick strategic shooter with a clean neon look.                      |
| Submission for PyWeek 33 under the theme "My evil twin".               |
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| pygame (>= 2.0.0) or just run pip3 install -r requirements.txt         |
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| Run the game by: python3 run_game.py                                   |
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| It is recommended to play in fullscreen with neon graphics, 60 fps and |
| default difficulty for a good playing experience. (On Windows hide the |
| taskbar if possible, if not try to change to a darker theme to see the |
| neon colors and ui properly)                                           |
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| The red (evil) twin can shoot but takes damage a lot                   |
| The green twin can't shoot but has a shield and regenerates health     |
| The green twin can destroy shapes by the front point (of the triangle) |
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| Destroying shapes increases the score and fills the Meter.             |
| If the Meter is full you can switch to the other twin, doing this will |
| deplete the Meter.                                                     |
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| Try to survive as long as possible!                                    |
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| The number on the top is your score. The number in the bottom left     |
| corner is your health.                                                 |
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| The meter/bar at the bottom is the Meter (see RULES), when it covers   |
| the entire screen you can switch to the other twin.                    |
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| Arrow keys or WASD - Control the player                                |
| Escape - Menu                                                          |
| Space or Left Mouse Button - Shoot                                     |
| Enter/Return or Right Mouse Button - Switch to the other twin, only    |
| if the Meter is full                                                   |
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| Up-down arrow keys to move between settings in the menu                |
| Left-right arrow keys to toggle/select/change options in the menu      |
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| Your chosen settings in the menu will be saved after the app is quit.  |
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| Adjust the difficulty setting to your liking.                          |
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| In a mad experiment your evil twin has tried to take control of you!   |
| It fails, combining both of you into a triangle.                       |
| Your twin's evil allies don't recognize your twin as a triangle and    |
| attack what seems to be an intruder...                                 |
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| All code, art and design by Blueish                                    |
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| Thanks to LokiF (https://opengameart.org/users/lokif) for posting the  |
| sound effects I used on OpenGameArt for free use.                      |
| Other sound effects have been taken from ZapSplat(https://zapsplat.com)|
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| The font used is Roboto from Google Fonts                              |
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| If you want to modify the source code, try these:                      |
| 1. Create a new enemy type                                             |
| 2. Add some AI or movement to the triangles or squares                 |
| 3. Multiplayer                                                         |
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| Reach out to me on Discord to report bugs or just chat (Blueish#4256)  |
| Entwined's Github page: https://github.com/BIueish/Entwined            |
| Itch.io: https://blulogic.itch.io/entwined                             |