
A GitHub post-receive hook service for integrating GitHub commits with Pivotal Tracker

Primary LanguageRuby

This app is a small server to serve as a GitHub Post-Receive hook to add 
comments, and update state in Pivotal Tracker, similar to say the Lighthouse
service integration.

Also, many thanks to Alan Pinstein (apinstein) for his many contributions.

Configure your Tracker API key, and Project ID in a config.yml file placed in 
the same directory as this app.  It should look something like:

  github_url: 'http://github.com/chris/tracker_github_hook'
  tracker_api_token: a1230e72340e3babc96d5e2fab67c18d
  tracker_project_id: 123
  ref: refs/heads/master
      email: chris@cobaltedge.com
      tracker_api_token: a1b2c3d4e5f67890
      email: alan@example.com
      tracker_api_token: 0987654321abcdef
The label ('tracker_github_hook' in this case) is arbitrary and not used, it's
just their to be a useful bit of info to humans/organize the nested settings, 
and is not used.  This setup allows you to have one service that supports
multiple Tracker/GitHub projects, just define one of the above blocks for each
one, and then anytime GitHub sends a push, the service will tease out which
GitHub repo it came from and correlate that to which Tracker project you've
assigned to that.

The "ref" field is also optional; it will tell the hook to ignore commits on
any branches other than the one listed. This is useful to prevent duplication
of comments being pushed into Tracker if you have multiple remote branches.

The "user_api_tokens" is optional - the primary "tracker_api_token" will be used
by default.  But, if you do supply this block, then the hook will correlate the
email address of the author of the GitHub commit, to that within this list, and
if it finds a match, will use the specified Tracker API token.  This makes it so
that the comment in your Tracker story shows up as being made by the same person
making the GitHub commit (instead of whoever owns the default API token).

When you make commits to Git/GitHub, and want a comment and optionally a state 
update made to a story in Tracker, add the following text to your commit 

    [Story##### state:finished]

where ##### is the story number (see the bottom of an expanded story in 
Tracker for its ID).

A commit message can have more than one [Story####] block, but the entire 
commit message will be added to both stories. The duplication is unfortunate
but better than the alternative of ignoring additional story references

This project also requires the following rubygems:
- sinatra
- rest-client
- json

More information for, and thanks to:

Pivotal Tracker API: http://www.pivotaltracker.com/help/api
GitHub Post-Receive Hooks: http://github.com/guides/post-receive-hooks
Sinatra: http://sinatra.rubyforge.org/
RestClient: http://rubyforge.org/projects/rest-client/

- cleanup, better testing
- support other story changes, like assigned user, etc.