Credit goes to Malarne as the creator of this cog. I've just changed a few small things to suit the specific needs of a server.
Install guide:
[p]repo add BJMalarneCogs
[p]cog install BJMalarneCogs WhatYouWant
Require Pillow (pip3 install Pillow
The first Leveler cog made for v3 ! Inspired by Stevy's v2 Leveler Basic code made by myself, TrustyJaid helped a lot making things look awesome (he entirely made the [p]profile image, big thumbs up to him) Just use [p]set locale fr-FR if you want to translate the cog into french ! NB: channel whitelist is enabled by default, if you want people to get xp from all your channels, just use [p]levelerset channel whitelist toggle NB2: you can customize your profile using profileset !
Note that this is using different cog permissions to allow various roles to setxp for a very specific usecase. Most notably for the 91AR Discord. Specifically: @commands.has_any_role('Moderator', '91AR Subcommander', 'Developer', 'Mod Team')
. :)