
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


  • Micro Library for HDR image creation using the Mertens Fusion Alghoritm
  • Optional Raspicam integration with picamera2 lib
  • CLI Application "makehdr.py"
  • Processing time on raspi zero ca 15 min with full res 12MP files.


  • numpy and PIL, picamera2 for Raspicam funtionality.
  • Whenever dependencies of other bigger image librarys aren´t satisfyable.
  • 32-bit armv6 or oudated Kernels etc.


Use makehdr.py CLI app for testing before implementation

  • Captures an exposure bracket stack from the raspicam as fast as possible
  • Alternatively from image sequences form file
  • Either direct processing or save files in between
  • Uses a conversion of the Mertens Fusion alghoritm
  • Stretches Information to the full spectrum like Contrast or compression
  • Lifts the shadows softly with an envelope.
  • Clips to Image range and saves via PIL


  • Download and install dependencies from requirements.txt into env
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install picamera2 and libcamera
  • pip install picamera2
  • pip install libcamera


  • Start makehdr.py

  • python3 makehdr.py

  • Follow commandline instructions

  • Be patient on Raspi zero

  • Example on how to use the library can be found in makehdr.py

Using the library

Import numpyHDR modules

  • import file_utility as file
  • import numpyHDR as hdr
  • import picamburst as pcb

Get image arrays from raspicam

  • stack = pcb.get_exposure_stack()


Get image arrays from files

  • stack = file.openImageList(path_list, True)

Process HDR with mertens fusion and post effects

  • result = hdr.process(stack, 1, 1, 1, True)

Save Result to File

  • The filename gets extended by ".jpg" and "_hdr" automatically
  • file = file.saveResultToFile(result, 'hdr/result', 75)