CharacterAI chatbot integration with the Me$$enger app. Built with Python and Chrome Webdriver.
- Send messages to a specific chat from chatbot
- Gather messages from a specific chat and resend them to chatbot
- Queue mechanism
Create venv
python -m venv venv
Activate venv
source venv/bin/activate
(Linux) -
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Manually modify .env file (check the configuration section)
Run the main script
To configure the script check and modify the .env file.
Note: your Me$$enger credentials is stored only on your local machine
- MESS_EMAIL - your email
- MESS_PASS - your password
- MESS_URL - URL of the me$$enger site
- MESS_CHATNAME - name of the chat you want to interact with
- MESS_SEND_MSG_TEXT - text of the send keyword in your language. Example: "Send"
- CAI_CHARACTER_ID - ID of the character you want to use (you can get it from the URL on the character page)
- CAI_TOKEN - your personal authentication token (check the token section)
- CAI_EMAIL - your email
- Run the script
python characterai_web/
- You will receive a link in the mail from CharacterAI. Copy this URL and paste it in the console.
- The token will appear in the console.
- Copy the token and paste it in the .env file.
- Selenium
- aiocai (unofficial API for CharacterAI)