
What is needed in order to use this repo:

Execution instructions

Change the working directory to the location of local copy of this repository. Run "terraform init" to initialize working directory after cloning from git repo. Run terraform plan. Make sure the final configuration is matching your expectations. Run terraform apply to create the solution on AWS platform. Run terraform output to get the url of rstudio-connect. Run terraform destroy when you want to get rid of the solution.


Name Version
aws ~> 4.17.1


Name Version
aws 4.17.1


No modules.


Name Type
aws_budgets_budget.my_budget resource
aws_instance.appsilon_homework resource
aws_internet_gateway.appsilon_gw resource
aws_route.appsilon_route resource
aws_security_group.appsilon_homework resource
aws_subnet.appsilon_subnet resource
aws_vpc.appsilon_vpc resource


Name Description Type Default Required
INSTANCE_USERNAME Username used to connect to the instance string "ec2-user" no
PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY Path to aws private key used to connect to the instance string "~/.ssh/appsilon_homework.pem" no
aws_ami AWS AMI id string "ami-09439f09c55136ecf" no
aws_instance_type Type of AWS EC2 instance string "t2.micro" no
aws_key_name AWS Key pair name string "appsilon_homework" no
aws_region AWS availability zone string "eu-central-1" no


Name Description
instance_public_dns Public DNS instance address - rstudio-connect URL