
Runs a sharable ChatGPT docker container, allowing you to share a ChatGPT session with friends via a web browser. You all control the session, as though using the same keyboard.

Primary LanguagePython


Runs a sharable ChatGPT docker container using the acheong08/ChatGPT API and elisescu/tty-share.

This allows you to share a terminal screen (TTY) with your friends, and interact with ChatGPT together. You all control the same session, as though you were using the same keyboard.


  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Create a config.json within the game directory. The format of the JSON file must match the format specified by the acheong08/ChatGPT API.


./run.sh [--public] [--headless] [--readonly]

You can also pass any arg that tty-share accepts to customize your setup.

./run.sh --public --headless --headless-cols 160 --headless-rows 50

Interacting with ChatGPT

You can directly use the terminal prompt to interact, as seen here:

                  Welcome to PlayGPT! Join via your browser at                   
       or https://on.tty-share.com/s/zKdiaL5wwsez_W6KRyZ1uHGcLJvR3UXDXSnJqdauADJQrtWOYU9AoMvO3bwagmkCEPw/        

Logging in...
Welcome to the game! Begin by entering an initial prompt for the AI.
NOTE: You must press [enter] TWICE to submit messages.

> This is a test.
Hello! I am Assistant, a large language model trained by OpenAI. I am here to help you with any
questions you may have. Is there anything specific you would like to know? I am here to assist you.


───────────────────────────────────────────────────[ PlayGPT ]───────────────────────────────────────────────────

Headless Mode

When running with --headless, you will be given the URL in the terminal output. Connect with a browser to join.

user@dev:~/PlayGPT$ ./run.sh --public --headless
Building docker image
Sending build context to Docker daemon  1.196MB
Step 1/15 : FROM ubuntu:22.04

... snip ...

Starting docker container
args: --public --headless
public session: https://on.tty-share.com/s/7zve4SiiJc76pPw8WT0TAJIrKRUpjMpdcjEDHz3VwIMtOkgjNhTPQfHeAiD3RKAFbfI/
local session:


Interactive Session Headless Session