
Private Cloud Music - a really simple and easy-to-use online music player.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Private Cloud Music

What's this?

Getting tired copy the music file to your phone, your iTouch, your MP3 player and other device everytime when you leave your personal computer? Why not copy them to your personal cloud and enjoy them everywhere?

This is a really tinny simple web-app for user who want to listen music on his/her server conveniently. just require a server which can host php! Then just simply upload this web-app and your mp3 files, it's done.

How to deploy?

Download the source code, Upload them to a server can run php and place to the right path, then create folder at that path and upload your mp3 into it. Done!

Easy! right?


  • index.html UI
    You can modify index.html if you want some little change. If you wanna more changes or wanna do this on your own, modify index-fast.html . Also, create one from scratch is also okay, remember import player.js , add <audio> element, and two elements with id playlist and folderlist .
  • player.js Logic
    Default folder (if not provide a folder name in URL) we open will be the first avaliable folder. Change the value of Player.path if you wanna "imperial" a folder(name end with a / ). Other logic just read the code yourself and modify as you like.
  • api.php Logic
    All two kinds of requests send to here. See it yourself. All request simply return as json contains the most important informations you need. You can do this with any programming language you love, create one and replace api.php , then replace all api.php inside player.js to let request goes to the right place.











  • 网页前端略丑啊这个 index.html
    你可以用你任意喜欢的编辑器编辑 index.html 修改成你要的效果,当然如果你想大改,还是从 index-fast.html 改起比较好。当然,你也可以完全自己写前端页面,别忘了,除了导入 player.js 之外,网页一定要有一个 <audio> 标签,以及两个id分别为 playlistfolderlist 的元素(这里是列表组)。
  • 钦定更多逻辑吼吗? player.js
    如果你没有从URL钦定一个文件夹的话,你打开网页后会默认载入第一个可用的文件夹。如果你想钦定一个文件夹,直接修改 Player.path 的值为你要钦定的文件夹就好(文件夹名称末尾需要有一个 / 结尾)。其它针对这个文件的定制基本都是改源码逻辑的,所以你至少得能看懂js,然后改就是了。
  • 请求都去哪了 api.php
    所有的请求都会发送到 api.php ,且所有的请求返回值都是一个包含着你肯定需要用到的内容的json。详细内容自己看看就清楚。当然,你也可以用任意你喜欢的语言实现这个文件本身的功能,并替代这个文件。别忘了去 player.js 中替换所有发送到 api.php 的请求到正确的地方就好。
