0x1A. C - Sorting algorithms & Big O

What you should learn from this project

   At the end of this project you are expected to be able to explain to
   anyone, without the help of Google:
  • At least four different sorting algorithms
  • What is the Big O notation, and how to evaluate the time complexity of an algorithm
  • How to select the best sorting algorithm for a given input
  • What is a stable sorting algorithm

0. Bubble sort

 Write a function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using
 the Bubble sort algorithm
  • Prototype: void bubble_sort(int *array, size_t size);

  • You’re expected to print the array after each time you swap two elements (See example below)

     Write in the file 0-O, the big O notations of the time complexity of the
     Bubble sort algorithm, with 1 notation per line:
  • in the best case

  • in the average case

  • in the worst case

1. Insertion sort

 Write a function that sorts a doubly linked list of integers in ascending
 order using the Insertion sort algorithm
  • Prototype: void insertion_sort_list(listint_t **list);

  • You are not allowed to modify the integer n of a node. You have to swap the nodes themselves.

  • You’re expected to print the list after each time you swap two elements (See example below)

    Write in the file 1-O, the big O notations of the time complexity of the
    Insertion sort algorithm, with 1 notation per line:
  • in the best case

  • in the average case

  • in the worst case

2. Selection sort

 Write a function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using
 the Selection sort algorithm
  • Prototype: void selection_sort(int *array, size_t size);

  • You’re expected to print the array after each time you swap two elements (See example below)

     Write in the file 2-O, the big O notations of the time complexity of the
     Selection sort algorithm, with 1 notation per line:
  • in the best case

  • in the average case

  • in the worst case

3. Quick sort

 Write a function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using
 the Quick sort algorithm
  • Prototype: void quick_sort(int *array, size_t size);

  • You must implement the Lomuto partition scheme.

  • The pivot should always be the last element of the partition being sorted.

  • You’re expected to print the array after each time you swap two elements (See example below)

     Write in the file 3-O, the big O notations of the time complexity of the
     Quick sort algorithm, with 1 notation per line:
  • in the best case

  • in the average case

  • in the worst case