
Making attractive and usable readme's

MIT LicenseMIT


Making attractive and usable readme's. This is a short description about the content of my proyect. This text have to be simple and explicit.


This proyect has two branches: develop1 and develop2. develop1 contains the tests of the repositories and develop2 contains the test of the use cases.


If you want to see the demo of this proyect deployed, you can visit Demo of the proyect

How to clone

If you have special requirements, you have to list it step by step.

  • This is the first step
  • Then you have to do this
  • Finally do this

Markdown has enumation and nested lists.


To install and run this proyect just type and execute

npm install


Insert here an image of the preview if your project has one. The image can be into the project, you have to indicate the route and look like this.


If you want to learn all about markdown i recommend you visit the site markdown.es