LinkToRemoteWithSeo =================== link_to_remote_with_seo adds optional SEO-friendliness to link_to_remote. Pass the :seo => true option to link_to_remote when you want GoogleBot and other search engines to follow your links. In addition to setting onclick, it also sets html_options[:href] to the SAME URL that you passed in to options[:url]. See the big honking warning at the bottom for an explanation of why this plugin doesn't just override the behavior of link_to_remote. Home page: Example ======= The following example shows a "Next" link in paginated output. (Plain vanilla without automated pagination.) Clicking the link in a browser results in an AJAX call (using POST) that retrieves just the "page" partial and inserts it into the "results" div on the page with a highlight visual effect. When a search engine sees the link, however, it will send a GET request to the same URL and the entire page (not just the partial) will be sent in the response. Putting this in the view (home/index.html.erb): <div id="results"> <%= render :partial => "page" -%> </div> <%= link_to_remote "Next", { :update => "#results", :url => { :action => "next_page" }, :complete => visual_effect(:highlight, "#results"), :seo => true } %> Produces (pay attention to the href attrbute): <div id="results"> <!-- first page of results shown here --> </div> <a href="/home/next_page" onclick="new Ajax.Updater('#results', '/home/next_page', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, onComplete:function(request){new Effect.Highlight("#results",{});}}); return false;"> Next </a> In the controller (home.rb), render just the partial if called in an XHR (AJAX) request: def next_page if request.xhr? render :partial => "page" else # Render the entire page, including the "results" section. render :action => "index" end end WARNING ABOUT INCORRECT USE OF THIS FUNCTION ============================================ Sorry but I have to yell for emphasis here. When Google crawls your site it will follow all links on a page in advance, even before the user clicks on them. Adding :confirm => "Are you sure?" WILL NOT HELP because it generates JavaScript that Google doesn't execute. So DO NOT USE :seo => true when linking to destructive links because they will go in the href attribute. Instead, override html_options[:href] to link to an intermediate page with "Are you sure?" and a BUTTON (not a link. The crawler will not click the link, so the data will not be deleted. See and search the page for "" for an explanation and some sample code. Copyright (c) 2009 Brian Morearty, released under the MIT license
All the benefits of link_to_remote, but SEO-friendly because it makes your links crawlable by bots.