
Turing machine simulator

Primary LanguageJava

Turing machine Simulator

This is the first practical in the Third Year Computational Complexity module. The program takes test files in the format shown in the machine_input.txt files in the TestFiles directories and runs inputs through them to determine if the input is valid with the given input machine.

The machine input files determine the number of states in the machine and the different inputs required whilst in various states in the machine to determine the result from the transition. I added a comments and whitespace system in the Turing machines files in order to make the files more readable.


In the main project directory (CC-P1), make sure all of the Java archives in the Libraries directory are in your CLASSPATH by running

$ export CLASSPATH=Libraries/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:Libraries/junit-4.12.jar:$CLASSPATH


$ ant

which will generate all the necessary build files, including class files and a compiled Java archive. It will also run all of the unit tests, including build tests and all of the tests to make sure that the Turing machines that I created all work. Test reports can be found in build/junitreport.

Run Instructions :

To run the program with a Turing machine definition "machine_input.txt" and input tape file "testTape.txt" and only outputting whether or not the Turing machine accepted the input, run :

./runtm machine_input.txt testTape.txt

To run the program with the same files, but also outputting the Turing machine tape at the end to see what has been left on there (which will be useful for sort and string reverse Turing machines), run :

./runtm machine_input.txt testTape.txt -v

Before any build is executed, the current build directory is cleaned before making a fresh build. However, to entirely remove the build directory, run

$ ant clean