
Simple and Elegent wrapper around GetStat API

Primary LanguagePython


This Package provides an easy and elegant way for you to get the information from your GetStat account.


You can install this package via pip, type the following in your command line:

pip install GetStatAPI

Basic Usage

Require the package at the top of your file, you will require all the modules

from GetStatAPI import main, endpoints, helpers

Instantiation: replace the SUBDOMAIN and APIKEY with your own

stats = main.GetStatAPI(SUBDOMAIN, APIKEY)

To make an API call to fetch all the sites on your account

#return an object of main class
sites = stats.getSitesAll()

#fetch the result

#filter result
sites.filterResult('Url', 'www.example.com')

endpoints file

endpoints.py is your configuration file which stores all the API endpoints and required params. The key of the dictionary elements that contains 'url' and 'params' are your calls to different API endpoints.

Here is an example:

If you want to call the API for fetching all the keywords for a specific site:

Find the following in endpoints.py

  "allKeywords": {
        "uri":"/keywords/list" ,

In your own file, you would want to do following:


You can add more endpoints onto the endpoints.py file, following the same convention like so:

"name" : { 
    "uri": "/myapi/endpoint",
    "params": ["my_params"]

And also make sure such API endpoint is available from GetStat.

Filtering Result

Once you make a specific API call, you can filter out the result. You can use the dot(.) notation for fetching the dictionary key and nested keys.

# If I want to find the status of a specific ranking url
keywords = stats.getAllKeywords(site_id=123)
returnResult = keywords.filterResult('keywordRankings.Google.Url', 

Have fun!