This repository is my Python code which allows one device to send video frames to a Pimoroni Interstate 75W (I75W), running CircuitPython, from another device running Python. The 'other' device must be able to perform fast openCV and numpy operations in order to maintain a decent frame rate.
In my setup the video sender is my Windows PC and the Interstate 75W (I75W) is the video receiver. The I75W is connected to a 64x64 led matrix formed by daisy chaining two HUB75 64x32 matrices.
The code uses UDP to send a video frame by frame to the I75W which then displays the frame on the HUB75 matrix. This could be a video or a slideshow (just slowdown the frames per second)
The I75W, in my case is running Adafruit CircuitPython 8.0.0-beta.6 on 2022-12-21; Raspberry Pi Pico W with rp2040
This is a standard Python (3.10) which reads an MP4 video using openCV. CircuitPython cannot read MP4 files and the available disc space is too low to accomodate a video file hence the reason for sending the frames from a remote device.
The program uses the frame rate of the video source to control the rate at which frames are sent to the host machine.
This folder contains the code which runs on the interstate 75W.