- BasemmCairo, Egypt
- cshjinArgonne National Laboratory
- darrencornwellGoDaddy
- dmitriswebZurich, Switzerland
- DonChuniorAustria
- dzmitry-lahodaportugal
- frdeso@efficios
- hoobdeeblaFreelance clarinetist
- id4ehsanCompArch
- jackygrahamezUnited States
- jingsam@FoxGIS
- jyhiNational Oceanography Centre
- mayurkr
- MrBamOMP
- NDumaSpinning on Spheres - Centripetally lightened.
- PerryBhandal
- pkt
- pmwoodward3
- pryds
- romwQualys, Inc.
- samalloingKB - National Library of the Netherlands
- Simek@expo
- sinfallas@tecno-consultores
- sixcorners
- sorcrosc
- spiegel-im-spiegelMatsue, Japan
- storbukas@checkin
- sysstatFRANCE / Near Paris
- TankMasterRLVästra Götaland, Sweden
- techmagus@YourOnly-One
- thorthorthorthor
- tobas4tel Sp. z o.o.
- volunteercomputingbeijing
- vot
- WayneSanZeroZone
- zantaiChina