Chat App Flutter project.
The main branch is always up to date. If you want to see the code for a specific episode, clone the respective branch.
Before running the app, you need to make sure you have all the development tools on your mac os, windows or linux.
You need to have an account on firebase console and create your project in there, this project is private to you, reason why I dont shareb it.
After you have the project on firebase console, you can optioanlly setup firebase emulators omn your local computer to ease the development.
If you want to work on an issue or minor features tickets, message me to add you as a collaborator to the repository.
Create a branch based on main with the name as the title of the ticker by replacinbg empty spaces with "_".
Before pusghing your local branch to origin, rebase always with the newest changes on main.
- Flutter Firebase Phone Number Authentication
You will learn to verify phone number using Flutter Firebase Authentication API. We are going to integrate Flutter Firebase Auth API to request an OTP code, perform the OTP code verification and sign in the user in Firebase in the Flutter Chat App with Firebase. - Flutter Firebase Firestore
You will learn how to configure Firebase Firestore (Real-Time Database) to be used in Flutter Cloud Firesotre Chat App. - Chat Messages Flutter Firebase Firestore
You will learn how to make queries to Firebase Cloud Firestore with filters. In this episode, we are going to engage in chat with a specific user in the people list.